Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers in Suryapet, Khammam

We are a stupendous company in Suryapet, Khammam in the field of Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers. For any query contact us.

About Suryapet, Khammam

Previously suryapet is known as Bhanupuri, which is modernized into the name Suryapet.Suryapet Municipality became the first waste-compliant city of India. It had won Green Leaf Award for Best Garbage Disposal. Suryapet or Suriapet is located at 17.1500°N 79.6167°E.

Khammam is located at 17.25°N 80.15°E. It has an average elevation of 107 meters Khammam has been receiving higher annual rainfall than the rest of state. The annual rainfall is 175 centimeters during the monsoon season.Khammam was also affected by the floods of Munneru, the tributary of Krishna River. Rainstorms and cyclones are common in the region during the rainy season, which starts with the monsoons in early June.  

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