Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers in Jamshedpur, Deoghar

We are a stupendous company in Jamshedpur, Deoghar in the field of Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers. For any query contact us.

About Jamshedpur, Deoghar

Jamshedpur is situated in the southern end of the state of Jharkhand and is bordered by the states of Odisha and West Bengal. The average elevation of the city is 135 meterswhile the range is from 129 m to  151 m.Total geographical area of Jamshedpur is 209 km square. Jamshedpur is primarily located in a hilly region and is surrounded by the Dalma Hills running from west to east and covered with dense forests.

Deoghar is located at 24.48°N 86.7°E. It has an average elevation of 255 metres.Deoghar city is also called as cultural capital of Jharkhand. Deoghar College – affiliated under SKM University andBirla Institute of Technology are very famous educational Institutions in Deoghar.

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