Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers in Bishnupur, Ukhrul

We are the prime company in Bishnupur, Ukhrul in the field of Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers. For any query contact us.

About Bishnupur, Ukhrul

Bishnupur is located at 23°05′N 87°19′E. It has an average elevation of 59 metres. Bishnupur is a region where Bengali has gained importance. It is famous for its terracotta temples Malla Shree Krishna Raslilla and the Balucharisarees. There is a snake festival in August, Ultorath and the Bishnupur fair in December. Also durga puja and kali puja or diwali is celebrated with pomp here.

Ukhrul is located at 25.12°N 94.37°E. It has an average elevation of 1,662 m above sea level. It has a wet summer and cold, dry winter. Ukhrul is a land of beautiful mountains interspersed by numerous tribal inhabitants echoing with the rhythms of tribal cultures and rich wildlife.Ukhrul is dominated by the Tangkhul Nagas.

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