Biological Safety Cabinet Manufacturers in Tirupati, Rajahmundry

We are prominent company in Tirupati, Rajahmundry in the field of Biological Safety Cabinet Manufacturers. For any questions Contact us.

About Tirupati, Rajahmundry :

Tirupati is located at 13.65°N 79.42°E in the Chittoor District of South Indian State of Andhra Pradesh. It lies at the foot of Seshachalam Hills of Eastern Ghats which were formed during Precambrian era. One of its suburbs Tirumala, which is the home to Sri Venkateswara Temple, is also located within the hills.

Rajamahendravaram is located at 16.98°N 81.78°E.With an average elevation of 14 meters.It is geographically located at the center of East Godavari and West Godavari districts. There is paddy, sugarcane and various varieties of flowers cultivation in the area. River Godavari flows through the west of Rajahmundry.

The Rajahmundry traps, part of the Deccan Traps, are located on the Godavari River and are of particular interest to geologists.

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