Powder Dispensing Booth Manufacturers in Mapusa, Goa Velha

We are the dominant company in Mapusa, Goa Velha in the field of Powder Dispensing Booth Manufacturers. For any query contact us.

About Mapusa, Goa Velha

Mapusa is located at 15.60°N 73.82°E. It has an average elevation of 15 metres .It lies on the banks of Mapusa River.  Mapusa has a tropical climate with temperatures ranging from a high of 37 °C in summer with high levels of humidity to a low of 21 °C in winters.

Goa Velha is located adjacent to Pilar in Ilhas, North Goa. By road it is approximately 2.5 kilometers north-west of Agaçaim, 12 kilometers south-east of the capital Panjim, 17 kilometers north-east of Vasco da Gama, and 22 kilometers north of the South Goa district headquarters Margão. From a high of 37 °C in summer with high levels of humidity to a low of 21 °C in winters.

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