Powder Dispensing Booth Manufacturers in Bhopal, Dewas

We are a prestigious company in Bhopal, Dewas in the field of Powder Dispensing Booth Manufacturers. For any query contact us.

About Bhopal, Dewas

Bhopal has an average elevation of 500 meters. It is located in the central part of India and is just north of the upper limit of the Vindhya mountain ranges. Located on the Malwa plateau, it is higher than the north Indian plains and the land rises towards the Vindhya Range to the south. The major industries in the old city are electrical goods, medicinal, cotton, chemicals, and jewelers.

Dewas lies northeast of Indore, southeast of Ujjain, and southwest of Shajapur. The city is located on the level plains of the Malwa plateau; to the south, the land rises gently to the Vindhya Range, which is the source of the Chambal and Kali Sindh rivers that flow north through the district on their way to the Ganges. The main river in Dewas is Kshipra. Dewas is the center remark of the two cities, Indore –Ujjain.

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