Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers in Cherrapunji, Tura

We are a stupendous company in Cherrapunji, Tura in the field of Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers. For any query contact us.

About Cherrapunji, Tura

Cherrapunji is located at 25.30°N 91.70°E. It has an average elevation of 1,484 meters and sits on a plateau in the southern part of the Khasi Hills, facing the plains of Bangladesh. The plateau rises 660 meters above the surrounding valleys.

Tura is located at 25.52°N 90.22°E. It has an average elevation of 349 meters. Main Residents of Tura are the Garo tribe (Native People) and Hajong tribe. Christianity is the main religion, almost 100% of the Garos are Christians.

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