Biological Safety Cabinet Manufacturers in Rajpura, Kapurthala

We are a grand company in Rajpura, Kapurthala in the field of Biological Safety Cabinet Manufacturers. For any questions contact us.

About Rajpura, Kapurthala

Rajpura is located at 30.48°N 76.6°E. It has an average elevation of 259 meters. Rajpura is situated nearly 38 km southwest of Chandigarh, the capital city of Punjab. Besides being an important industrial town of Punjab, it also has historical importance. Rajpura is an industrial town. Rajpura has been known for its quality furniture. The grain market of Rajpura is one of the largest grain markets of Asia, top at the list is the grain market of Khanna, it acquires about 150 acres of area and comprises more than 290 shops. 

Kapurthala was once the capital of Kapurthala State, a princely state in pre-independence India, ruled by the Ahluwalia Sikh rulers. Kapurthala flag has two color background, with insgnia and moto that says “pro rege et patria” meaning “For king and country”. The large and imposing red sandstone building (now painted white) of the State Gurudwara was consecrated in 1915.

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