Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers in Pune, Nagpur

We are the dominant company in Pune, Nagpur in the field of Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers. For any query contact us.

About Pune, Nagpur

Pune is situated at approximately 18° 32″ north latitude and 73° 51″ east longitude. The city’s total area is 15.642 sq. km. By road, Pune is 1,173 km south of Delhi, 734 km north of Bangalore, and 149 km south-east of Mumbai. Pune has the eighth largest metropolitan economy and the sixth highest per capita income in the country.

Nagpur is located at the exact center of the Indian peninsula. The city has the Zero Mile Stone locating the geographical center of India, which was used by the British to measure all distances within the Indian subcontinent. Nagpur has a tropical savannah climate.  Nagpur is an emerging metropolis. In 2004, it was ranked the fastest-growing city in India.

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